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Avid Liquid software is a powerful SD and HD video editor for the PC that offers integrated DVD authoring, surround sound audio processing, and thousands of amazing real-time effects. Its integrated toolset provides all of the tools needed to create high-quality productions and quickly output to tape, DVD or web streams.
Avid Liquid combines powerful video editing integrated with DVD authoring from the timeline; surround-sound audio processing; and powerful visual effects. Editors only have to learn a single interface to create high-quality video productions with sophisticated effects and audio—and quickly output to tape, disc, or streaming media.
Audio. DVD. Effects. One Application. Liquid’s powerful SD and HD video editor offers integrated DVD authoring, surround sound audio processing and 1000s of powerful real-time effects. Liquid’s integrated toolset provides all of the tools needed to create the highest quality productions and finish to tape, DVD or web steams.
Editing. Audio. DVD. Effects. One Application. – Avid Liquid’s powerful video editor integrates DVD authoring, surround sound audio processing and powerful visual effects.
Complete HDV Workflow - Liquid features frame-accurate editing of HDV content. Liquid's real-time effects engine provides multiple streams of HDV, video monitoring with Liquid Pro and a smooth workflow for finishing in SD or back to HDV tape.
Format flexibility | Liquid supports Avid Open Timeline. Liquid lets videographers edit DV, MPEG I-frame, MPEG IBP, uncompressed, Windows Media, DIVX and MPEG-4 in SD as well as HDV.
Smooth DVD Production - Edit, create titles and effects and then dive into a DVD authoring toolset that lets users define the interactivity, create menus, add a Dolby Digital 5.1 surround mix and then burn a finished DVD.