1-YEAR Hardware Maintenance Agreement for Abekas AirCleaner Model-A ONLY FOR: 'ACL-A' Abekas AirCleaner - Model A This Hardware Maintenance Agreement (HMA) extends the length of hardware warranty coverage of the standard one-year Warranty by an additional year. All HMA purchases are valid for one year only. Any purchased HMA's can be extended by an additional year within 30 days of expiration of the existing HMA.

1-YEAR Hardware Maintenance Agreement for Abekas AirCleaner Model-A ONLY FOR: 'ACL-A' Abekas AirCleaner - Model A This Hardware Maintenance Agreement (HMA) extends the length of hardware warranty coverage of the standard one-year Warranty by an additional year. All HMA purchases are valid for one year only. Any purchased HMA's can be extended by an additional year within 30 days of expiration of the existing HMA.
