1.8" Drive Adapter for Toshiba hard drives. 40 to 44 pin adapter to be used for bare drive IDE connections.
IDE/PATA Cloning Adapter for use with OmniSAS five-target HDD duplicator. Allows use of IDE drives in master or target position.
SCSI 50 to 68 pin adapter. OmniSCSI unit comes with standard 68 pin configuration.
SCSI 80 to 68 pin adapter. OmniSCSI unit comes with standard 68 pin configuration.
2.5" laptop adapter. 40 to 44 pin adapter to be used for bare laptop drive IDE connections. User may connect standard IDE cable to 2.5" adapter for flow through of information during cloning process. Adapter comes with its' own power lead which fits directly into any of the logicube duplicators. (Quantity 1)
1.8" ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) Drive Adapter for Hitachi and Toshiba hard drives. 40 pin adapter to be used for bare drive IDE connections. Includes two cables (thick and thin).